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2018 Ultimate Guide for Spring Landscaping

Learn to grow the perfect ladscape

As the snow recedes and the weather begins warming up, it is time to start landscaping.

Start your spring landscaping plans with proper planning

Landscape Design

A well design landscape will minimize your effortsIt is important to properly plan your landscape design properly, so you know where to plant your perfect landscaping accents. A proper design plan takes into account all aspects of your yard, from sunlight to drainage, then it incorporates in the mix of the different plants, so the left isn’t full of yellow flowers and the right is full of decorative grasses.

To fully bring your plans to fruition start off with a drawing of your yard, front and back. Then start adding in your planting beds, draw in anything you want to add, from decks or patios to new planting beds or even a garden.

While drawing up your plans, figure out if you want a low maintenance landscape.If you do want one, check out these 10 tips.

To learn more about landscape design planning, check out this post, along with these 4 helpful tips on design planning.

Need some landscape design inspiration?


Ok, so you have this perfect landscape panned out, make sure the grass looks good as a compliment.

Lawncare tips for a lush lawn

a quality lawn doesn't just happen, it requires lots of workProper irrigation is an important part of achieving the perfect lawn, and really the only way to get that is with sprinklers. Watering your lawn with built in sprinklers on a timer, is the optimum way to irrigate your lawn in a hands off manner, but if you don’t have them yet, consider going with a manual set out sprinkler. Learn all you can about proper irrigation in this post.

Another important aspect to growing that yard of your dreams, is fertilization. Think of fertilizer as food for your lawn, like us, our lawns won’t grow without proper nutrients. It isn’t just as simple as buying any fertilizer at the store and putting it all over your soil, check out this post to know how to test your soil to know what you need. After you have determined that, learn all you can about fertilizers in this post. Also consider using manure as part of your lawn feed routine for a more natural and organic option. Something to consider working into your lawn’s fertilization routine is a fertilizer with a pesticide, so you keep bugs out of your beautiful landscape.

No matter how much fertilizer you use, and how much you water, you can still encounter issues.

Know how to address these common lawn issues:

  • Bare spots in the yard can be troublesome to even the most ardent lawn care routine. This post offers some great advice on how to address them.
  • No matter how much you had properly planned your landscaping, there will be shady spots, which can harm your grass, so check out these tips to correct shade grass issues.
  • Lawn sod will correct issues quickly, and installing it is quite simple if you follow these 5 steps.
  • WEEDS! No matter how much you work on your lawn, weeds will be the bane of your existence. Knowing how to properly control them will ease your stress, check out these tips.
  • Thatch is a build-up of dead grass that can choke the roots of your lawn. Learn how to properly dethatch your lawn in this post.
  • If the grass is thin, but not bare, then overseeding the lawn is your best option, so check out this post to learn how to do it properly.

So you’ve learned how to address all common lawn issues, you have your watering routine perfected and have fertilized the grass to perfection, there is still more to maintaining that perfect lawn. Like lawn mowing, know how to properly cut the grass is very important, as if it isn’t cut properly, it can hinder all your hard work. Equally important to properly cutting your grass, is to make sure you have a sharp mower blade, because a dull blade will chop your grass with a rough cut, which can lead to lawn diseases. Equally important to mowing your lawn is to properly trim along the borders, and that requires understanding the basics of trimming.

Another helpful thing for growing a beautiful lawn, is aeration. A compacted yard can choke your grass, and aeration is as simple as poking holes in the dirt. Ok, maybe a bit more involved than that, so why not learn all you can in this post.

Learn all the tools you’ll need for proper landscaping here.


As you’re working in your yard, know what grasses to grow:

Now you have the perfect green lawn and your landscape design plan in hand, it is time to start putting everything into place for the dream yard to spend your time relaxing in.

Learn all you need for a dream landscape

know how to properly tackle all your home landscaping needsWalksways are a great accent for your landscape, picking the perfect type of path topper is essential. Check out this post to learn all about pathways for your landscape.

Adding rocks to your landscape is perfect if you want to simplify your landscape upkeep. Check out this post to learn about how to setup a nice rock garden. If this is your first time trying to grow in a rock garden, start with something easy, like succulents. If you don’t want a whole rock garden, consider using accent rocks.

Got a shady spot that you want to make into a beautiful shade garden? Adding a colorful groundcover is the perfect compliment.

Having beautiful plants is great, but accessorizing your landscape with accent pieces really steps up the quality. Check out this post to learn about 10 pieces you can add to your landscape design plans.

During the day your landscape is visible to all, but without proper lighting, it becomes invisible at night. Know how to properly light your landscape.

Most people count on their planting beds for growing plants, but to add some serious depth to your lawn use containers. This post explains everything you need to know about adding containers to your landscape.

A garden island can break up your lawn, so it is more than just a field of green grass. Knowing how to put one in can aid your design, check out this post to learn all about installing a yard island.

Flowers, are the ultimate compliment to your landscape, they bring color. Everything you need to know about adding flowers to your landscape can be found here. If you want perennial flowers, consider using bulbs. Never forget, the highlight of any landscape is growing roses, so learn all you can about them.


If you follow all the advice found here, your spring landscaping will be easy, which means your lawn will reward you all summer and into the fall with a gorgeous place to relax. Don’t forget to put in a bench, so you can actually have a place to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

The post 2018 Ultimate Guide for Spring Landscaping appeared first on All around the house.

from All around the house


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