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5 Tips to Keep Your Lawn from Turning Brown

Maintaining a lawn can be rewarding, but also frustrating at the same time. During drought or with the summer heat, you might see your neighbor’s lawn looking greener and lusher than yours despite your everyday struggle. For this particular project, we do not only focus on watering tips but also on steps that are mostly cheap but can get the job done of keeping your lawn from turning brown.



5 Tips to keep your lawn from turning brown

#1. You need to mow with the season

As homeowners we do know that the ideal height to set lawn mowers is at 2 inches, this height will give just enough clippings to serve as protection, natural fertilizer, and give that cushion feel when you step on the grass. But during the dry season, the lawn should be cut in a height of 3 inches to block more sunlight and cover the soil from direct heat and too much evaporation. With higher grass, the soil is given just enough shade aiding in water retention, which in turn gives you a longer interval on watering and save a lot more money.

#2. Give water on schedule

Brown patches in your lawn can be caused by not having enough water in the root system, when these patches appear your lawn is basically telling you its thirsty. On another side, a brown lawn can also mean the grass is dormant, and not necessarily dead. If you do come home from a holiday and find your lawn mostly brown, before watering set a schedule which you would strictly follow. If you are not disciplined, watering on a poor interval can just add damage to the grass and would not really help them as you’re just adding stress to their dormancy. Make sure to set things on schedule and follow through.

#3. Look at the shading pattern

When part of the lawn is starting to turn patchy, it can also be caused by too much shading. Depending on your grass variant, there are grasses that do not do well on shaded areas and will only thrive on where direct sunlight is present. If you have a lot of trees or bushes extending their branches and stems, make sure to ask your gardener which grass variant is a feasible option. To help these patches turn back to green grass, regularly cut the branches of your tree where too much sun is being blocked. This will help light pass thru and reach the soil of your lawn.

#4. Do a health check of the lawn area

Apart from shaded areas and insufficient water, brown patches can also be a product of insects growing in your grass. Grubs, ants, and termites might create shelter on your lawn resulting in brown patches. Take a closer look and inspect the perimeters if there is any sign of insect growth, if there is then buy an insecticide specific to the insects growing in your lawn. Make sure to only spray or cure the area where they are settling as improper application of insecticides can damage your lawn further.

#5. Do not panic

When grass is turning brown, we become like parents who want to fix everything and make them live again. But the key to preserving the green is to not panic, and determine the cause first before action. Most homeowners think putting fertilizer, minerals, or even weed control is the best way to counteract the brown patches but it is really not the cure. A heat-stressed lawn when subjected to these chemicals can cause additional stress and ultimately leave your grass dying. As mentioned earlier, even watering when not done properly and on schedule can kill a lawn, so keep those fertilizers stored and use them for another time.

The actual key to preventing your lawn from turning brown is to have patience and be disciplined with its maintenance. Three basic things prevail: soil, water, and sunlight, but these three are not sufficient if the owner is not vigilant of the harmony the grass needs to grow healthy. We hope you enjoyed reading our article and that these tips help you in maintaining a green front yard in the summer. Please do not forget to share this article, and of course leave a comment down below if you have anything to share.


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